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           The pilgrim stone idea -  Stones travel with pilgrims

Nice to meet you here!

I assume you found one of my pilgrim stones, scanned/read the QR code and asked yourself what this is all about.

Quite unusual and still full of fantasy, I decided to send  my painted stones on a pilgrimage  to the Ferro de Cruz in Spain on  or even  to Santiago de Compostela.

UntiI today I have painted and marked over seventy stones.  I dropped some of the first pilgrimagestones in the summer of 2021 on the Bavarian-Swabian  St. James Way in the South of Germany, some others on the Moselle Camino in the West of Germany. Stones are on their  pilgrimage on the LahnCamino and  on the Via Baltica Northeast of Lübeck. Since the beginning of last November some stones have even been waiting in a pilgrim-friendly guesthouse in the Allgäu to be passed on to the next pilgrims stopping there overnight. 


However, if you have not planned a  2000 km pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela at this moment - which is quite likely - I would still be very happy if you would like to contribute to my goal within your framework and bring the stone you have found a little closer to its final destination.

What should you do?

Just take the stone with you for part of your way, even if it is only a few kilometers. Then you put it back in a place where another bearer can find it and hopefully picks it up and carries it along  as you did. 

I would be very happy if you leave me a message with a photograph in my pilgrimstone book, ideally  right now, or just write an email to:   


What am I interested in?  

In your "pilgrim stone experience", of course!  

Where  did you find the stone? Which number has it got? Where did  you leave it behind? Or do you still carry it with you?

Can you send me a photo of it in the place where you put it again?

Some stones carry messages - did these words help you in any way?  

Of course, I am happy if you like  to share your thoughts!  Or maybe you have already had  pilgrimage experiences or are currently making pilgrimage plans for the future?

  What is your benefit?

Looked at it closely, first and foremost of course, a stone in your pocket! If you like the stone and you were happy to find it, you will make me happy with your reply.

Maybe it'll help you in its own way. Gives you energy and rises your spirit.  Maybe it reminds you of something or someone special. Or brings you to new thoughts and ideas. Maybe it influences decisions or relieves you of a burden. Is it changing anything? Just think out loud.

 Let's give it a chance and see. Some things just have to be tried out, done, and experienced.  

In any case, I think it would be great if the stones land in hands, trouser pockets or backpacks and give the bearer an impetus for a "Buen Camino".  

It would be a nice side effect ...

... if through  the movement of the stones, new contacts with other pilgrims and an exchange of experiences would arise.

In any case, I am curious to see how strong the response to the pilgrim stones will be and whether something beautiful will develop from it.

thank you very much  for your help!

What has happened already?

In the meantime a few stones have already moved to the southwest as I did through e-mails  have experienced. But I'm still eagerly awaiting further feedback with photos, because of course I would like to follow the paths the stones have covered (that's why they are numbered) and find out whether my idea works and, if not, what I could optimize.


Und wenn Du magst auch gerne einen Kommentar zu meinen Pilgersteinen ins Gästebuch schreiben!

Gefällt Dir die Idee? 

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