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Did you find a pilgrim stone from me?
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How the "Pilgrim Hat Project" began ...

Hello you out there :)

I'll tell you quickly how this page came about.


... I wanted to leave in June 2020 to explore the famous and much-described Camino Frances, starting from  St. Jean Pied  de port to tackle. For six weeks  Run 800 km in a row and arrive happily in Compostela! 

If you start a sentence with "actually", you don't actually need to finish or read it, because then nothing will come of it anyway.  This is what happened to my plan in the pandemic-ridden year 2020.

but  ...

... I didn't want to completely check off the pilgrimage before it had even started. Instead, I looked for an alternative domestically. The Jakobusweg in Bavarian Swabia then made the choice - and I was spoiled for choice. In Oettingen, it started at the beginning of July to Augsburg. 6 stages, almost 120 kilometers, 1500 meters up and down again.

Not comparable to the torments that would have awaited me in Spain  but ultimately a feasible project under these difficult circumstances. And since you should make a virtue out of every need - for a pilgrim greenhorn like me, maybe just the right thing to approach. When it comes to mountaineering, you don't start with the K2 either.

"The route is the goal"...

... is my Confucian motivation .  I got involved with that, because of course it doesn't matter where you start, the main thing is that you start.

Originally, however, reaching the destination was the classic motivation for pilgrims. In contrast to the past, the motives for running have become as multifaceted as the equipment with which you can be out and about. I felt that too.


... are there to be shared.  It wasn't until quite a while after returning from my first week of pilgrimage that I realized that I wanted to write about this time, not just for myself, but on a public platform.

My experiences, insights, encounters ...

...could you  on the following pages  read up . The first six stages have now become 13 and  there was also a "runaway stage" on the Moselcamino.  

Information, entertainment and a desire for more ..

... are waiting for you.  What does reading do for you?  Maybe  does it make you want to put on a pilgrim's hat yourself, go out and get to know yourself better?

I am happy,  if you can benefit from the content.

Last but not least...

... the pilgrim stones. You can also find out how I set my mind to expose myself painted stones and to let them arrive in Compostela.  

Have fun and if you like scroll down and leave me a feedback!


Wer sich meine dazugehörige Streckenunterteilung ansehen will, wird auf dieser personalisierten  Camino Francés Googlemaps-Karte fündig. Am Besten im Vollbildmodus mal bisschen rum- und reinzoomen. Das Pilgermenschlein markiert meine Unterkünfte. Manchmal musste ich einige extra Meter dafür laufen. Diese Unterkünfte (meist in den Städten), die ein wenig neben der offiziellen Caminostrecke liegen wurden von mir aber weder markiert noch mitgerechnet.  Die Kilometerangaben des Tages habe ich ebenfalls eingetragen. Sie basieren auf der NinjaCaminoApp.

Oder Du schaust Dir die Etappenunterteilung mit Kilometer noch mal als Tabelle  an.

Bayerisch-Schwäbischer Jakobsweg 2020/21/22

Mein erster Kontakt mit dem Pilgeruniversum. 300 Kilometer von Oettingen nach Lindau am Bodensee. Pilgern zu Coronazeiten unter erschwerten Bedingungen. 

Münchner Jakobsweg 2022  (Freising - Fürstenfeldbruck - Dießen a. Ammersee)

Gelaufen in einzelnen Tagesetappen. Warmlaufen für den CF und Materialcheck bei Sonne und Kälte.

Mein Projekt Pilgerstein

Last but not least...das Geheimnis der pilgernden Steine!   Was es damit auf sich hat und wie ich mir in den Kopf gesetzt habe selbst bemalte Steine mit den besten Absichten auszusetzen und in Compostela ankommen zu lassen, könnt Ihr ebenfalls erfahren. 

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Was Dich noch interessieren könnte:

 Etappen auf dem Camino Francés 

 Karte der Tour

Bildergalerien Kirchen, Muscheln & Co
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